Friday, March 25, 2011

Sucker Punch Archetype Analysis

In the movie preview of Sucker Punch it becomes evident of the many hidden archetypes throughout the entire condensed trailer. It explores into the climatic life of a young girl named Baby Doll who is placed in a mental asylum by her stepfather. She is quickly placed at risk of undergoing a lobotomy while at the institution which makes her revert to an alternate reality. Along with four other inmates of the institution, Baby Doll takes this alternate way of thinking as her and friends escape. Baby Doll's character clearly represents a unbalanced hero because of her clear mental and emotional deficiencies related to her past. The voice of the protagonist speaks on how she lost everyone she loved and how she was locked away into a life of isolation. Yet from this harsh experience Baby Doll has made herself a quest where she must find symbolic items, defeat evil and be mentored along the way. 
Mentors are strongly included in the story of Baby Doll's life as she takes the advice of not just one individual but two. In the trailer we see a woman giving her advice about how she can escape reality and make up her own. This gives the protagonist the means to find her herself on the road to meeting another mentor who lays out the entity of her journey. He explains to her the importance of her gathering up items such as a map, key, and magical weapon like sword. These items will further her and friends journey as they venture deeper into a symbolically black world with overflowing darkness, chaos and mystery. 
There are also strong and vibrant colors used in the the trailer to create the situational mood and change throughout the story. We see climatic red and oranges from the fire associated with the mythical dragon. This representation shows us the evil forces that Baby Doll is facing in violence and emotional anger towards such forces. We also see how dark and dank the setting of the movie takes place and how that carry outs throughout. The black and dull environment of the mental asylum extends into the world that Baby Doll has created. However this depressing feel seems to fuel the protagonist through her initiation and propel her forward to find her way out. In hopes that this escape will help our hero heal her unhealable wound of not being understood.  

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